In June 2023 I spoke at the Institute for Historical Research ECR Conference. The theme was how, where and why people ‘make’ history, and I talked about how my research thinks ‘through’ disability as both a subject and a methodology. I’m interested in disrupting photography’s medically-modelled legacies and exploring new, more ethical ways to ‘do’ photographic historiography.

Portrait of Robert Digby, William Johnson Jennis Bolding, 185? Copy of original albumen print made by C. S. Middleton in the 1990s. Norfolk Public Library Photographic Survey Record of Norfolk and Norwich, Norfolk Library and Information Service.

I suggested that new approaches could include more interdisciplinary research, a greater focus on ethics, the adoption of a cultural model of disability and further investigation of non-medical archives. Working in this way could generate new insight and address some of the challenges and opportunities presented when researching historical photographs of disabled subjects.